What is “Cancer”? Know it early and you can cure it.

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What is “Cancer”? Know it early and you can cure it.

However, the survival rate of cancer is currently. Improving due to medical technology Advancements. Therefore, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have designated February 4 of every year as “World Cancer Day” to raise awareness worldwide.

What is cancer?  

Cancer is a disease caused by the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells. Tends to invade and destroy tissue and spread throughout the body. 

Common cancers in Thailand

From the 2022 Thai Cancer Registry statistics by it was found that:

Top 5 most common cancers in Thai men

  • Liver and bile duct cancer33.2 percent
  • Lung cancer22.8 percent
  • Colon and rectal cancer18.7 percent
  • Prostate 6.6 percent
  • Lymphoma6.6 percent

Top 5 most common cancers in Thai women

  • Breast cancer34.2 percent
  • Colon and rectal cancer13.3 percent
  • Liver and bile duct cancer12.2 percent
  • Lung cancer11.5 percent
  • Cervical cancer11.1 percent

Causes of cancer

As mention earlier is caused by the transformation of normal cells into tumor cells. These transformations result from the interaction between an individual’s genetic factors and three types of external agents:

  1. Physical carcinogens such as ultraviolet and ionizing radiation
  2. Carcinogenic chemicals such as asbestos, components of cigarette smoke, alcohol, aflatoxins (food contaminants), and arsenic (drinking water contaminants).
  3. Biological carcinogens, such as infections cause by viruses, bacteria or certain parasites.

Risk factors

  1. Age: The risk of certain cancers increases with age, and cell repair mechanisms become less effective.
  2. Behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, breathing polluted air, and some viral infections such as hepatitis B, Helicobacter pylori, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B, hepatitis C, etc.

Symptoms and warning signs of cancer

  1. Unexplained weight loss may increase your risk of esophageal, stomach, lung, or pancreatic cancer.
  2. Fever, often with night sweats, as the tumor affects the immune system.
  3. Have a lump or swelling on the body. Such as in the neck, armpit, abdomen, groin, breast. Or testicles.
  4. It is painful, different from general pain. If it does not go away after treatment, it may mean that the cancer has spread to other parts. 
  5. Skin changes, dark spots, itching, redness, jaundice. More hair usual.
  6. Abnormal functioning of the สมัคร ufabet intestines and stomach, constipation, diarrhea, excessive or insufficient urination, caused by abnormal functioning of the intestines.
  7. Abnormal bleeding/vaginal discharge is an early or advanced stage.


0 means there is no only abnormal cells that could become cancerous, called carcinoma in situ.

1 means the is small and confined to only one area, called early stage.

2 and 3 mean that the is larger and has grown into nearby tissue or lymph nodes.

4 means the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, called metastatic cancer.